Posts in Jewish Holidays
47 Days of the Omer. That is 6 Weeks and 5 Days.

Hod shebe Malchut
Humility/Gratitude within Nobility/Sovereignty 
Saturday evening June 8 and Sunday June 9
Shavua Tov

“I love this walk,” he says. “It’s so good every year. Farede Aklum,” the man walking near me introduces himself. He is wearing a light blue button down shirt.
“Samira,” says the woman in a red flowered dress.
“You know,” says Farede, “I read the bit you wrote about Judith. Did you know there is another Judith in our story? A queen.”
Queen Judith?” I ask, unfamiliar. 

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46 Days of the Omer. That is 6 Weeks and 4 Days.

Netzach shebe Malchut
Endurance within Nobility/Sovereignty 
Friday evening June 7 and Saturday June 8
Shabbat Shalom

“Look,” she says, handing me a stone. “See how blue it is . . . and green.” I take the stone and look at it. The combination of copper-bearing minerals, chrysocolla, malachite, azurite, and turquoize make it these rich watery colors. I hand it back to her. 
“A stone fit for a queen?” I say, it’s not really a question.

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44 Days of the Omer. That is 6 Weeks and 2 Days.

Gevurot shebe Malchut
Strength/Judgment/Boundaries within Nobility/Sovereignty 
Wednesday evening June 5 and Thursday June 6
I want to be in the tent listening when Esther, Batya, Miriam, and Yocheved stay up all night talking strategy. I want to be standing beside them when Esther and Ruth rinse their feet in the river to cool them and share stories about their families. I want to have my own cup of tea and be sitting near the fire when Esther, Judith, Yael, and Deborah reminisce about directly confronting power. I want to be a silent witness when Esther and Dina hold each other in deep understanding. Most of all I want more time with her.

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43 Days of the Omer. That is 6 Weeks and 1 Day.

“What is the legacy of Ruth and Boaz?” I ask. “If not King David?” 

Chesed shebe Malchut
Lovingkindness within Nobility/Sovereignty 
Tuesday evening June 4 and Wednesday June 5

I don’t think she hears me. Her steps have quickened and as she approaches the back of a man about her height who has crossed in front of us she reaches out her arm and rests her hand on his shoulder. When the man stops and turns I see his green and brown eyes light up. They embrace, holding one another close.  The throng moves like a river around them.

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42 Days of the Omer. That is 6 Weeks.

Malchut shebe Yesod
Nobility/Sovereignty within Foundation 
Monday evening June 3 and Tuesday June 4
Fourteen people have come up around me.
Seven and seven.
Some of them are walking quietly, some are talking loudly, some are in a signed conversation communicating with their facial expressions as much as their hands . . . a few are laughing. 
These are the attendants of Batya and Esther, and today, a day of Malchut before the week of Malchut they have joined me.

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41 Days of the Omer. That is 5 Weeks and 6 Days.

Yesod shebe Yesod
Foundation within Foundation 
Sunday evening June 2 and Monday June 3
I look up to a sky full of clouds and think about that one - the first cloud to hold a rainbow. I think about the cloud Moses entered when he went up the mountain. I think about what Rabbi Strausberg offers us, that the rainbow itself said to Moses, “Take me with you. When you go up on the mountain, when you are before God, you are going to need all of this color.”

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40 Days of the Omer. That is 5 Weeks and 5 Days.

Hod shebe Yesod
Humility and Splendor in Foundation and Bonding
Saturday evening June 1 and Sunday June 2
Shavua Tov

40 are the days of night and day rain in Noah’s generation.
40 are the days Moses was on Mount Sinai before he returned with the stone tablets.
40 are the days we waited for him under the mountain.
40 are the days between the first day of Elul until Yom Kippur.
40 are the four sides of the world according to the Kabbalah, each containing ten Sefirot.
40 are the se’ahs (a measure of water) of a mikveh - a ritual bath.
40 are the years in the wilderness.
40 are the years at which - according to the Talmud (Avot 5:26) - a person transitions from one level of wisdom to the next. 

40 are the days the spies scouted the Land. 

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39 Days of the Omer. That is 5 Weeks and 4 Days.

Netzach shebe Yesod
Endurance in Foundation and Bonding
Friday evening May 31 and Saturday June 1
As I’ve walked today, I’ve finished writing my first public piece about Israel and Palestine. I’ve been working on it for months. It isn’t conclusory. My words are where I am right now as I continue to think and feel and share.
It feels right to share these words today on this day of the Omer, in Endurance in Foundation . . .  and bonding. 
Shabbat Shalom

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38 Days of the Omer. That is 5 Weeks and 3 Days.

Tiferet shebe Yesod
Compassion in Foundation (the salt of the earth)
Thursday evening May 30 and Friday May 31

“I wasn’t jealous,” she sounds put off, but also deeply sad.
The ox she leads has no bells on its horns
“Okay,” I say.
“When those men came, how was I to know they were angels?” she asks, but doesn’t. She looks at me expectantly.
“Okay,” I say again.
“If you think I’m going to tell you my story, you are mistaken,” she points at me.
“Okay,” I half-turn to continue on my own.
“Lot never thought he was good enough. He was always comparing himself to Abraham and me to Sarah,” Idit says. I keep walking with her and hold my peace.

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37 Days of the Omer. That is 5 Weeks and 2 Days.

Gevurah shebe Yesod
Strength and Boundaries in Foundation and Bonding
Wednesday evening May 29 and Thursday May 30

אני הולכת הביתה. | ani holekhet ha'bayita. | I am going home

Na’eem m’od,” says the donkey kindly, blinking as she tilts her head this way and that, sizing me up. “Who are you?” she asks. “Where are you going?”
“You know who I am,” I respond, because of course she does.
“Well I don’t have to tell you that it’s been a while,” she huffs. 
“No,” I agree. “You don’t.” Not that it’s been that long. 

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34 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks and 6 Days.

Yesod shebe Hod
Foundation in Gratitude
Sunday evening May 26 and Monday May 27
I look at the man more closely. The yellow undertones of his skin soak in the slanted light as the day settles into evening. His eyes are green like the leaves of an olive tree. ‘Modah ani lefanecha, I give thanks before You for my soul,’ I think. Then I know who he is. This is Judah. Yehudah. When he was born, his mother Leah said, “This time I will give thanks to God,” and named him. “Odeh et Adonai,” she said. “Sh’mo Yehudah,” and named him Yehudah.

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33 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks and 5 Days.

Hod shebe Hod
Splendor/Gratitude in Splendor/Gratitude

Saturday evening May 25 and Sunday May 26Shavua Tov!
Lag Ba’Omer
With gratitude to Jewish authors and storytellers every where and every time.

“Forty-nine days is one beat of a sunbird’s wing.” 
The voice is gravelly, but not gruff. Round-sounding, and soft.
He is resting by himself.
I walk over and sit - not too close, but . . . not too far.
“For forty years we flew like a hoopoe, low to the ground. Slow. Deliberate.”

Para, para, says my mind to itself. Cow, cow. An idiom. Slow and steady like my breath.
This is Moshe Rabbeinu. Moses our Teacher, our Storyteller.

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32 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks and 4 Days.

Netzach shebe Hod
Endurance in Splendor/Gratitude
Friday evening May 24 and Saturday May 25
Shabbat Shalom

As I was walking today I got to thinking about Samson.
I was, although even I can’t quite believe it now that I’ve read more, already thinking of him when I heard that the 7th Armored Brigade had discovered the tunnel shaft and Shin Bet had retrieved the bodies of three more hostages. 

I don’t know much about Samson, really.
I know he was in some ways a human golem with super strength.
I know he had beautiful hair and was betrayed by a woman named Delilah.
Not much, really, what I know.  

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31 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks and 3 Days.

Tiferet shebe Hod
Harmony in Splendor/Gratitude
Thursday evening May 23 and Friday May 24

Boaz is beautiful the way a saguaro cactus is beautiful.
He is beautiful the way Palo Duro canyon is beautiful.
His eyes are dark brown, the desert sand at night . . . but one is brown with a hint of green and the other is brown with a hint of gold . . . if you look closely enough.
Other than brown, I don’t actually know what color his eyes are, but look at him. Shouldn’t that man there have eyes two slightly, but just slightly different colors? 

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30 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks and 2 Days.

Gevurah shebe Hod
Strength/Might/Judgment in Splendor/Gratitude 
Wednesday evening May 22 and Thursday May 23
I don’t know.
I do know that today I’ve been walking with and praying for Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, and Naama Levy. 

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29 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks and 1 Day.

Chesed shebe Hod
Lovingkindness in splendor/gratitude
Tuesday evening May 21 and Wednesday May 22
I think in some essential way Chesed is saying, “You have my attention.”
“You are worth my attention.”
Maybe it’s, “You have my attention and even when I can’t see the goat shape you can see, I see that you see it, and I say so.”  Maybe Chesed is really, “I see you.”

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28 Days of the Omer. That is 4 Weeks.

Malchut shebe Netzach
Nobility within Endurance
Monday evening May 20 and Tuesday May 21
As I walk into this day, I listen to a podcast, Judaism Unbound, Episode 431, interviewing Rabbi Jess Belasco. Rabbi Belasco runs the Disability Justice Torah Circle, which hosts classes, facilitates connection, and provides pastoral resources for disabled, high-risk, and chronically ill people who desire Jewish community. In the podcast, and in life, they ask, “What does disability say about Judaism?”

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27 Days of the Omer. That is 3 Weeks and 6 Days.

Yesod shebe Netzach
Foundation and Bonding within Endurance
Sunday evening May 19 and Monday May 20
Jonah walks like he’s on stage, and not just any stage. Jonah walks as though he were in a musical and any moment the opening bars of a song will pour from the sky.  Jonah walks like Chaim Topol as Tevye and Barbara Streisand as Fanny Brice . . . or probably as Miss Marmelstein.
Surrounded by children, Jonah is telling them his story.

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