what’s your favorite?
It's always almost my favorite holiday.
As soon as we observe or celebrate the one we are in, I start getting excited about the one coming next.
And there are SO MANY WAYS to get into them!
Rabbi Goldhar's explanation of the Jewish concept of time and holidays really resonates with me. He teaches that Jewish time is cyclical and each year as we come into the time-space of a holiday we experience the holiness of the past meeting up with the present. I love that. I also love finding and creating vibrant ways to bring each holiday to life.
If you want to think through how you create meaningful observance and celebration in your life with me . . . well, I am so here for that. I’ll help you figure out what that looks like for you, check out the pictures below to see some of what that looks like for me and my family and community.
tu b'shevat
Creating my own Tu B'Shevat Haggadah transformed our seder. Original photos, text from our tradition, contemporary analysis, and communal participation bring the promise of renewal and growth to the coldest, darkest Minnesota winter day.
I'm currently exploring the possibility of making this haggadah publicly available.
“A Tu b’Shevat seder is a gathering to celebrate the birthday of the trees, with lots of food, people, and laughter. Amy’s Tu b’Shevat seder raised the bar for a Tu b’Shevat seder in every way. This seder was exceptional, with learning, tradition, gaiety, and fun! Amy’s knowledge of Jewish life and community, and her ability to coordinate gatherings is what made her Tu b’Shevat seder great!”
In our home, we've been journeying from slavery to freedom with Noam Zion's A Night to Remember Hagaddah for several years. Beginning with burning the last of the chametz in the backyard fire pit, starting our seder with a walk down the sidewalk, and adding in fresh issue-relevant resources and readings, and plenty of songs.
esther's feast
Several years ago, my wife asked me to create something for Purim that would allow for serious study of Megillat Esther before the holiday, but also be fun and joyful and our Esther's Feast was born. Similar to our Tu B'Shevat Haggadah, I created the text and am working on polishing it up for publication.
That one time when the TORAH got to go to PRIDE!
Of course, not everything Jewish is formal and serious!
With three members of the Apter Family, photo by Ana Apter
Chanukah is all about bringing more light into the world.
Birthdays are definitely also chag (holidays). Some birthdays call for pink cake!
I love Purim. Time to dig into some really hard topics reading Megillat Esther and studying the text, ad time to wear costumes and be ridiculously silly. Because . . . life. Am I right? (And marriage being equal, I was Mrs. Packman that year.)
When friends who are Karen and who have lived in a refugee camp in Thailand for 20+ years are coming for Thanksgiving dinner, it makes absolute sense that Pad Thai should be on the menu!
Sukkah building is THE BEST with lots of friends.
Making Havdallah at home with Liddy and Nashi.
The Torah speaks of four types of children . . . and at our house when we reach their section of the Haggadah at Passover we try to explore the text in childishly mature ways.