Posts in Israel
The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party: Another Prayer for Israel

I woke up this morning with another prayer for Israel swimming around in my mind.
As I prepared to lead minyan, I wrote a draft and impulsively shared it after our misheberach (prayers for healing) - in the space we typically offer prayers for Israel and the hostages and Gaza and the West Bank and everyone in the Land.

This is the third draft.
It may continue to evolve, but also, it says what I need to say right now.

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39 Days of the Omer. That is 5 Weeks and 4 Days.

Netzach shebe Yesod
Endurance in Foundation and Bonding
Friday evening May 31 and Saturday June 1
As I’ve walked today, I’ve finished writing my first public piece about Israel and Palestine. I’ve been working on it for months. It isn’t conclusory. My words are where I am right now as I continue to think and feel and share.
It feels right to share these words today on this day of the Omer, in Endurance in Foundation . . .  and bonding. 
Shabbat Shalom

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