On July 27th, Mitzi celebrated becoming Bat Mitzvah.
I love celebrating my students for who they are and this student loves to cook. She has a strong Jewish identity emerging from her connections with her family and communities. As we learned together this past year, Mitzi found family recipes she wanted to learn to make and I suggested some to her that had particular histories or came from parts of the Jewish diaspora she hadn’t yet explored. When it came time for her to choose what she would teach about, the choice was pretty easy. I’m honored to share her shiur here with you.
Mazel Tov to you Mitzi, and to your family!
I am so very honored to share a guest post!
My student Evan Hymes, a member of Mount Zion Temple, has given me permission to share his words of Torah on Naso, and quite honestly, I find them brilliant. He shared them yesterday on the bima at Mount Zion.
I’m thinking about God in new ways because of Evan, and you might, too.
He celebrated becoming bar mitzvah on May 27th, 2023, 7 Sivan 5783.
Mazel Tov & lots of love, Evan! You did it!